Wednesday, March 18, 2015

On 365 Testimonies

مرحبا  - Marhaba from Dubai...

We have 365 days in a year, 365 days of fear and shortcomings, loneliness and emotions, pain and anger, loss and desolation, hate and danger, hopelessness and sicknesses, we also have 365 days of worship, thanksgiving and faithfulness, miracles, blessings and promises, joy, courage, love and happiness and testimony.

Jesus said to the once demon-possessed man: 'Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you' - Mark 5:19 (NIV)

This is why I invite you to Share your Testimonies, share them, everyday, they are a hope for others...'So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God' - 2 Timothy 1:8 (NIV)

1. Share your Testimony

2. Let everyone Praise the Lord


1. Ask for Prayers: Make it specific please

2. Pray and follow the Lord's guidance as per the Bible
3. Share your Testimony
4. Let everyone Praise the Lord

In this blog, you will be able to share your sufferings and ask for prayers, so we may encourage each other in Christ Jesus. It is not always going to be easy-peasy, but sharing and being humble in accepting how we need God is already and improvement.

Remember, let go of your 'wants' to embrace God's Will, Jesus did the same.

Prayers are a powerful display of faith
Prayer is like The Lord prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies, anoint your head with oil and your cup overflows: Psalm 23:5
Prayer starts with thanksgiving
Prayer is not you commanding God, it is you commanding what God has given to you into existence. It is you taking authority and believing in the Lord's blessings and promises.

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