Sunday, April 26, 2015

Why do we need to suffer as Christians?

Mount Nebo - Jordan

1 Peter 2:19 (niv)
For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.

How discouraging it is when one is doing the best they can to find themselves being rejected, talked down to, or unrecognised by superior authority or friends/families/partner.

You can be working hard on a project that needs to be submitted, you can be working through an emotional setback, or working hard to learn something new, but then it went without being noticed, or worst it was mocked or criticised in a hurtful manner.

How about the time you believed deeply in something or someone, but you ended up being discouraged, you gave up.

The hurt and pain were the only things you could feel, you suffer.

God is aware of the smallest setbacks and the biggest also, from something considered as trivial as a pimple that just popped out of nowhere to Him healing cancer, paying off mortgages miraculously and Spiritual warfaring against principalities over cities and in the world.
But are we aware of Him?

Why do we need to suffer as Christians?

Christ has suffered for us, in 1 Peter chapter 2 says insults were hurled at him, but he did not retaliate, he suffered and made no threats.

It is so hard to remain silent, indeed, how many times we felt the need to justify ourselves, to find reasons and excuses, sometimes we even say or think that we do not deserve to be treated such ways because we are Christians.

Christ went through it, during his time on earth he was hated, hated to death and you know it.

When we suffer, the Holy Spirit in us allow us to be conscious of God.
The moment you are suffering from a rejection, from an unfair treatment; your immediate action will be to think of yourself being projected in the sight of God and regarded as favorable/acceptable (1 Peter 2:19 amp. bible)

Being conscious of God is being in the Kingdom of God, being submitted to the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit brings love, peace, enjoyment, meekness (Gal 5:22-23) 
Hence; the soul will have no desire for sinful behaviours such as anger. 
Sinful desires wage war against our soul, our soul then become unaware of God, it does not praise God it praises itself, it wants to justify itself, to be angry, selfish, envious.

1 Peter 2 13-15 (niv)

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.
For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people

Let our soul praise God, not itself, for it is commendable to bear the pain of unjust suffering for the Glory of God.

The 'I' died with Christ on the cross, we are born again: A new breed with a soul that praises God and is filled with the Holy Spirit who brings love, enjoyment, peace, meekness.

For what do we get to be punished for the wrong we are doing, or what do we get when we love those who love us?

Go the extra mile...He called you out of darkness into His Marvelous light. 

Add a prayer in the comment, confess the word of God, and the storm will cease...

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